Wednesday, 30 June 2010
Beautiful Japanese Tattoos for Girls
Tiger Tattoo Designs - Meaning and Ideas

So if you think the tiger represents you and you like the look of this type of tattoo, I see no reason why you should not do. Many people choose a design based on what they believe and less on what it looks like.
Sunday, 27 June 2010
Miami Ink Angel Tattoo

Miami Ink Angel Tattoo | Assuming that you have selected the angel tattoo as your first or next tattoo, now the most difficult part begins. How to find the lots of angel tattoo sketches? Finding the extraordinary sketches of angel tattoo design is not easy. Your best bet is internet.
Internet is very powerful medium if used properly. Easiest way to find the angel tattoo design is using the search engine like Yahoo, Google, MSN etc.
Writing the common term like “angel tattoo design” or “free angel tattoo design” in search box of any search engine will reveal millions of websites. If you have time and patience then open each one and find out whether they have your dream angel tattoo design.
There is one easy way to find your dream angel tattoo design online for people like me. Instead of wasting your time on browsing lots of website that offers free designs, if you become the member of tattoo design gallery then you not only save your time but in the long run you will save money too.
Finding the good membership site is not easy. Since, it is not possible to see the sketches of membership site unless you become the member. My advice is before spending any money on any membership site you must read review of it. Since there are many tattoo design membership sites that are outright scam.
Another way to find good angel tattoo design on line is to post the question in to the general forums like yahoo answers or particular tattoo forums. It is always good to know how others find their tattoo design. You can also browse the archives of these forums to find many reviews and information regarding angel tattoo designs.
Help answer the question about angel tattoo
Does anyone know where I can find a picture of a specific angel tattoo?
I saw this picture months ago online, but cannot find it again. It is a picture of a small angel tattoo, on someone's hip. The tattoo is black, and is very simple, almost a sketch, with very little detail (no facial features, etc). The angel is throwing her arms back, and kneeling. If anyone knows where to find this tattoo, I would love the link. Thanks!
Wednesday, 23 June 2010
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
Monday, 21 June 2010
Tattoo Choices - How to Choose a Tattoo
Nature - As the ink on your personality, this is a great choice. If you are outgoing and want to reflect that in ink, then you can choose a strong bold design that speaks strongly to the skin. If you have a relaxing, discreet, or ninja-like, then fine, but powerful design can work. Something that does not scream, but has its own strengths and work. You can keep both properties? You can choose a design that is both, or in two different versions of your show different sides.
Think of the powerful features that you want to represent and remember on a daily basis. It really is a great tool to always remember your goals, or personality traits that you want to be, and then press to achieve them.
Saturday, 19 June 2010
Script and Tattoo Lettering Designs
Tattoos by letter and script design was popular in the past bikers and prison inmates. But today many people in all walks of life to get this tattoo style that makes it even more popular. Tattoo lovers find much meaningful use of letters and write in their designs. Individuals usually get letters tattoos they want to say something dear or to express them. Some people want names by script or add characters, because it is a simple way to explain using words instead of a picture representing design.
Script letters are striking and hold deep meaning are the words they use. Individuals and letters written to use tattoos different messages across and even dates of many special occasions. Script and letter tattoos can be used in a memorial tattoo, a memorial tattoo, tattoo a birthday, a birth of a baby tattoo and many other special moments in life that people want to close as a souvenir of remembrance. Quote tattoos are in the same rich use of both letters and writing. Famous verse from the Bible sometimes tattooed. Familiar and known as saying "Only God can judge me" or quotes from a famous poet has some favorites.
Finding the right style and the font can be easily done simply by selecting those you like best or your characters can be customized to your taste. A wide range of fonts can be found online. A good place to start looking for fun online font ideas for a tattoo is DaFont dot com, or visit your local library. You can use your tattoo artist to design something to your taste using their own talents and skills.
First Old English
Stem second-
3rd Clean Scripture
4th Italic
5th Old School
Roman 6th
7th Gothic
8th Handwritten
9th Celtic
10th Graffiti
Letters and script tattoos can be inked with bold colors or all black. Good detail shading adds much character and elegance with the letters them more conspicuous. Letters can also be decorated with beautiful scroll work to further strengthen them, the choice is yours. So if your thinking of getting a new tattoo with the letters and scripts you need to spend some time on your decision about which style font is a good choice for you and your tattoo designs.
Wednesday, 16 June 2010
Tattoo Care for a Foot Tattoo
After receiving a new tattoo, your artist uses ointment, usually & D, and wrap your tattoo in SARAN wrap or medical context. That is, the foreign substances from the tattoo. The new tattoo is a wound, abrasion on the skin, and may be susceptible to infection with the proper tattoo care is not followed. So with regard to the first few hours, it is normal procedure in most tattoo studios.
Remove the patch of your new tattoo for at least 4 hours (but not more than 12). You have to wait to remove the link until you clean with soap and warm water all dried blood or ink that was left after removal of the tattoo was completed. Do not soak the tattoo. Rinse thoroughly and dry it, let them dry in 5-10 minutes before using the ointment. You should still wash your new tattoo at least 4 or 5 times a day for the first week.
Proper tattoo care requires that you do not wear anything that rub against your new tattoo. After receiving the foot tattoo make sure that no socks, shoes, stockings, or that it will spawn until it is fully healed wear. You must plan ahead if you plan to get a tattoo on one foot, as you receive it run until it healed. Leg tattoos may require touch-up, thanks to rub abuse shoes and wear prematurely.
You should only apply ointment, until your tattoo begins (peel like sunburn), which are all 3 days 1 week. If the skin does not begin to get at her. If the tattoo is completely entered peeling phase, you should stop using the ointment.
Your new tattoo is an open wound, so refrain from activities such as swimming, sunbathing, early elimination of the link. Make sure that the proper tattoo care to follow the instructions to properly care for your foot tattoo heals. Your foot tattoo will be with you for life, and it only takes a week or two to your attention that good forever.
Redness and sometimes bruising around the new foot tattoo is normal that the first day or two, but if you notice increased redness or bumps contact your local tattoo studio for more information.
Tuesday, 15 June 2010
more about Japanese Tattoos
Unlike the Chinese people, the Japanese people are currently very big on tattoos, but that was not always the case. In fact, for a brief time near the end of WW II, getting or giving a tattoo in Japan was actually illegal. The end of the war brought an end to that crime as well.
The alphabetic characters that appear in many Japanese tattoos are called Kanji. These characters, alone or in combination with others, can display a whole range of human emotions, thoughts, proverbs and poetry.
In addition to the calligraphic-like Kanji characters, there are many different animal, spiritual and nature-oriented symbols and images that make their way onto people's body parts in the form of a Japanese tattoo.
Traditional Japanese Tattoos
Irezumi, one of the more traditional Japanese tattoo styles depict dragon, koi and other symbols of Japanese culture and lifestyle. These types of Japanese tattoos are becoming increasingly popular with women who are having these sometimes intricate tattoo designs placed on their hips, back, ankles and arms. Even an occasional breast dragon has been spotted in the wild or during a wet T-shirt contest at some spring break bar in Florida or Mexico.
Sunday, 13 June 2010
Artwork From the Female Tattoo Gallery
Body art really comes into its own in recent decades and skills and a work of art has become very difficult in many cases. Realism is as much a part of tattoo art as a symbol of women's gallery and enjoy tattoos can include the beautiful scenery, fine pictures, or very complex symbols.
Design: The most important thing to consider when deciding on the artwork of the female tattoo gallery is how it will match your personality. It is necessary to think about the future, as well as instant as you are passionate about the here and now, perhaps not something that will forever be passionate, but this tattoo will always remind you when you were in love with a particular band, animal or hobby . Many women look for tattoos, which are generally subject to be sure that they should prepare in the coming years, rather than to lock on a particular topic.

Tattoo art work is fantastic, long-lasting expression of self and individuality and taste. Choose design from female tattoo gallery of your choice with the care and display your personality to see the world forever.